Those who say they know Brahman, don’t know Brahman, those who say they do not know Brahman, know Brahman
– Kena Upanishad

I believe the same for Art, life, knowledge, etc…It is in this vein that I state that in this work, there are ‘things’ I know, I don’t know, along with the assertion of ‘things’ I don’t know, I don’t know. My M.A. Visual Arts course at SCCE, Ambedkar University was my effort to reduce infinitesimally this ever widening chasm.

In addition this work is also a process of learning and gathering experience and not just an aspect of pure theorization. There will be errors in logic, flow, language, lack of experience, etc. It is through the making of these errors that learning also occurs.

There have also been key areas such as ‘Sound’, ‘Space’, ‘Fluxusism’, ‘Temporality’, ‘Materiality’, ‘Installation’, ‘Sensorium’, etc… which are future thesis worthy paths all in themselves. I have merely but scratched the surface here. It is in the process of this making, there are many other doors to many stories, paths – converging and diverging – that have also emerged. In the words of Legolas to Aragon; those stories are for another time, another adventure.

Further do note, I have used readings from different authors from different contexts to let emerge the possibility of my articulation. The Reference/Bibliography is a set if readings that I have referred to, as well as extensive to an extent of what was possible for me to collect and go through. This list also contains reading that I would further like to revisit as well as itself require additions.

Last, this work is a process. It does not claim a completion on finitude. It is but a marker of an event at this momentary and particular time only.

Lord of the Rings – J.R.R. Tolken

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